Blank Screen After Upgrade to Joom!Fish 2.1-pre2
- Written by: Kochin
- Category: Joom!Fish 2.x
Today I upgraded the Joom!Fish on my server to version 2.1 pre-release 2, and got a surprise when Joom!Fish's Control Panel showed a blank screen. Since my server had been running with Joom!Fish 2.1 pre1 installed for quite a while without any problem, I didn't expect the upgrade would break anything significant.
Quickly I checked the error log on the server. The last entry clearly explains what went wrong with the new version. The program /administrator/components/com_joomfish/models/cpanel.php failed to create a DOMDocument object.
Joomla! 1.6 Rough Timeline
- Written by: Kochin
- Category: Joomla! 1.6.x
After more than a year in developping, we now see the light at the end of the Joomla! 1.6 development tunnel. During the last week of April, Joomla! Team published a rough timeline of Joomla! 1.6 in an article titled "Joomla! 1.6 Development Shifting Gears." In that article, Louis Landry, who is the Joomla! Development Coordinator and Architect, laid out a timeline of releases at various development stages. Even though almost all of those releases lack set release dates. It can still provide us a general idea when we can expect to get our hands on a functional Joomla! 1.6.
Upgrade PHP to 5.2.x on CentOS
- Written by: Kochin
- Category: General
As mentioned in a previous article, the coming Joomla! 1.6 will require PHP 5.2.x or above in order to work or even install. Recently I am planning to test drive Joomla! 1.6 Alpha, so the first thing on my to-do list is to upgrade the PHP 5.1.6 currently running on my testing server to PHP 5.2.x. Unfortunately the OS I am using, CentOS 5.3, doesn't yet officially provide the needed upgrade. That forced me to look for the upgrade from other sources.
One quick search revealed a few third parties repositories that may contain PHP 5.2.x. In the end I chose to retrieve the package from a semi-official CentOS repository, CentOS-Testing, which is the repository hosted by CentOS team to test out new or improved packages before putting them into one of their official channels. Those packages are not officially supported, and are not garanteed to function properly. Please use them with care.
Fully Chinese Joomla! Installation
- Written by: Kochin
- Category: Joomla! 1.5.x
Joomla! 1.5.x has native support for localization. However, no matter what language you choose during installation, you will get a default installation of Joomla! Web site in English. In order to get front end and back end interfaces displayed in your language, you will have to install language packs.
What if you can have a completely Chinese experience with Joomla! right from the installation to the sample Web site contents? Will it help you to envision a Web site built with Joomla! in Chinese? Since we have already the fully translated sample data for the defatul Joomla! installation as well as translation files provided by Joomla! Taiwan, we decided to answer those questions with a small patch to make Joomla! completely (well, almost) Chinese. (Download location is provided at the end of this article.)
Joomla! 1.6 - Lifting the Lid ...
- Written by: Kochin
- Category: Joomla! 1.6.x
At recent Joomla! User Group (JUG) Brisbane on July 7th, Joomla! Core Team member Andrew Eddie lifted the lid off Joomla! 1.6 and allowed Joomla! community to have a peek into this upcoming new version of Joomla! The presentation was broadcast as a live stream on the Web. If you missed the meeting and live broadcast, you can view the video or read the PDF file of Andrew's presentation notes. Here we summarize some important points that might interest you.