Blank Screen After Upgrade to Joom!Fish 2.1-pre2
- Written by: Kochin
- Category: Joom!Fish 2.x
Today I upgraded the Joom!Fish on my server to version 2.1 pre-release 2, and got a surprise when Joom!Fish's Control Panel showed a blank screen. Since my server had been running with Joom!Fish 2.1 pre1 installed for quite a while without any problem, I didn't expect the upgrade would break anything significant.
Quickly I checked the error log on the server. The last entry clearly explains what went wrong with the new version. The program /administrator/components/com_joomfish/models/cpanel.php failed to create a DOMDocument object.
Language selection bug in Joom!Fish 2.0.1
- Written by: Kochin
- Category: Joom!Fish 2.x
We updated our Joomla! 1.5 Lab site to Joom!Fish 2.0.1 immediately once it became avalibale. Unfortunately, after the upgrade, we were experiencing problems switching languages.
The mod_jflanguageselection seems to build URLs incorrectly for languages not currently used when SEF is turned on. As a temporary fix, try editing modules/mod_jflanguageselection/helper.php and changing the following lines in function getJFMenu()
Joom!Fish 2.0 system requirements
- Written by: Kochin
- Category: Joom!Fish 2.x
I have been asked many times either on forums or via emails about the system requirements of Joom!Fish 2.x. Here is the information for a clean installation adapted from the official Joom!Fish 2.0 documentation.
- A properly installed Joomla! 1.5.x.
- PHP 5 is highly recommended. Joom!Fish 2.0 does not work on PHP versions of 4.3 and bellow. Later version of Joom!Fish 2.x will no longer support PHP 4.
- MySQL 5 with the MySQLi extension is highly recommended. Joom!Fish 2.x uses MySQLi features to increase efficiency.
- All of the folders required by Joomla! to be writable must be writable. You can check this at Joomla! backend.
- No Joom!Fish of any version has been installed.
- You must be at least administrator in Joomla!, although it is advisable to be a super administrator.
- Your server temporary directory must be writable.