Welcome to Joomla! 5 Laboratory
Generate Light-weight Chinese PDF
- Written by: Kochin
- Category: Joomla! 1.5.x
Joomla! 1.0.x and 1.5.x have a built-in feature that allows Web site visitors to generate PDF files from articles they are viewing. The feature works quite well with western languages, yet fails to create satisfactory PDF files for Asian languages, such as Chinese and Japanese. For Joomla! 1.0.x there exists patches to make it perform well with Asian languages. For instance, Joomla! Taiwan released localized Traditional Chinese Joomla! 1.0.x, which includes a properly working PDF generating subsystem.
Because Joomla! 1.5.x uses UTF-8 encoding and allows specifing the font used in generating PDF for different languages, it basically supports a wide variety of languages in its PDF feature. With correctly installed font metrics, script and font itself, Joomla! 1.5.x indeed can correctly create PDF files in Asian languages. However, there are still problems when it comes to support Asian languages.
Joom!Fish 2.0 system requirements
- Written by: Kochin
- Category: Joom!Fish 2.x
I have been asked many times either on forums or via emails about the system requirements of Joom!Fish 2.x. Here is the information for a clean installation adapted from the official Joom!Fish 2.0 documentation.
- A properly installed Joomla! 1.5.x.
- PHP 5 is highly recommended. Joom!Fish 2.0 does not work on PHP versions of 4.3 and bellow. Later version of Joom!Fish 2.x will no longer support PHP 4.
- MySQL 5 with the MySQLi extension is highly recommended. Joom!Fish 2.x uses MySQLi features to increase efficiency.
- All of the folders required by Joomla! to be writable must be writable. You can check this at Joomla! backend.
- No Joom!Fish of any version has been installed.
- You must be at least administrator in Joomla!, although it is advisable to be a super administrator.
- Your server temporary directory must be writable.
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