「準啦!」核心團隊包括了義務開發者、設計師、管理員及經理們,加上全心投入的社群成員組成之廣泛的工作群組,將「準啦!」在它短暫的生命裏提升到一個新高點。這個潤滑良好的機器常被複製,但從沒被超越。「準啦!」有一些極富才能的人員,把開源觀念帶到工業標準的前線。「準啦! 1.5」是一次重要的躍進,並代表這個專案歷史上最令人興奮的「準啦!」發行。

The project has a nice balance of legacy development from well-known coders such as Andrew Eddie (who pioneered Mambo's early success) to some young guns like Johan Janssens and Louis Landry. This dynamic trio has been further strengthening the project by bringing in new talent. In open source development people joke about the 'bus' factor. Projects which don't have coding 'spread' are considered less sound should their single lead developer get hit by a bus.

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